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What Is Yoga? Definition And More

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In yoga, we listen to our body’s language and begin to feel better about ourselves. The physical exercises (asanas) help us to become more elastic, more flexible and more stable. Through breathing exercises (Pranayama), meditation and through the experience of stillness and relaxation, we come back into contact with our inner sources of strength. Yoga trains concentration and helps to get rid of distracting thoughts and unnecessary worries. The more often you repetition, the easier it is to bring concentration and physical and mental stability into everyday life. Yoga is a valuable contribution to maintaining health.

Where Does The Word Yoga Come From?

Etymologically, the word root yui means “to bind together” and “to yoke”. The image of the yoke indicates that yoga is ultimately about union, specifically the harmonious merging of body and mind. Therefore, the term “yoga” can also be translated as unity.

The classic original text of [yoga] is the [Yoga] Sutra (Sutra: (guiding) thread), which the Indian scholar Patanjali is said to have written around the birth of Christ. In the second verse of around 200 Sanskrit verses, Patanjali defines the goal of [yoga] as follows: “[Yoga] is the inner state in which the mind comes to rest.” Patanjali’s approach hits the core of [yoga] practice: to calm the restless, confused mind. A calm, clear mind is stable and leads to inner balance, resilience and health.

Hatha Yoga – The Importance Of The Body

Practice In addition to the practice of mental training; physical work plays a special role. While the Yoga Sutra does not deal with specific physical exercises, Hatha Yoga (Ha = Sun, Tha = Moon), which was develop  around the 8th century and had its origins in Tantra, starts directly with the practice of physical exercises.

All-Round Healthy – More Self

Responsibility Hathai yoga is one of the most popular forms of yoga performed worldwide these days. In hatha yoga, a body is considered healthy when its prana, or life energy, is not impeded or stopped by stress.

Yoga, Asanas, Relaxation, Pranayama

Numerous techniques such as physical exercises (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), cleansing exercises (kriyas), concentration exercises (dharnas) and meditation (dhyana) ensure that our body remains flexible so that the flow of life energy is not blocked. At the same time, mind training increases our self-awareness and mindfulness so that we can more easily recognize the causes of many complaints and illnesses and eliminate them in the long term. Yoga practice enables us to take responsibility for our health, both in terms of preventive and aftercare, as well as in therapy.

The Asanas

Hatha yoga is a path of exercise that begins with physical practice. A special energetic effect is attribute to each exercise. Standing poses and back bends stimulate while lying poses and forward bends are calming, and twisting poses balance.

The Importance Of Breath

In hatha yoga, the breath is a clear indicator of the balance between the two qualities describe by Patanjali, stability and lightness.  Also , yoga practice, we achieve a balance of these two qualities by observing how the body and breath react in the different asanas. In this way, we can learn to become aware of our body and breath, as well as to quiet and deepen our breath. Deep, steady breathing activates the autonomic nervous system’s parasympathetic branch, which supports stable and clear mental functioning.

Relaxation And Meditation

Hatha [Yoga] invites us to the interplay of relaxation and tension. On the one hand, we learn to be alert and focused when we are relaxing, and on the other hand, to relax deeply even while doing something. Exercises such as Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation) or the body scan bring us into the here and now and let us feel what is happening from moment to moment – physically, mentally and in our hearts. In addition, various forms of meditation help our mind to focus and stabilize.

Possible Effects Of Yoga

Yoga can strengthen the muscles, increase mobility, release shoulder, neck and back tension, strengthen the immune system and activate the organs. Circulation and the ability to concentrate can be improved, the body detoxify, the metabolism stimulate, and the connective tissue tightened. Also , []Yoga] can provide more resilience, improve self-confidence, release blockages and counteract stress-related symptoms such as anxiety and restlessness, headaches and back pain and sleep disorders.