Ständig Wechselnde Schmerzen Am Ganzen Körper
Ständig Wechselnde Schmerzen Am Ganzen Körper: Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome or muscle fiber pain, is a chronic condition that can cause pain all over the body and affect your everyday life. Sleep disorders, exhaustion, and concentration problems are also common.
“Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) or fiber muscle pain, is a chronic pain illness that can manifest itself through extensive pain in muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue structures. It is, therefore, sometimes referred to as “soft tissue rheumatism”. However, this clinical picture can go beyond physical complaints and be accompanied by, for example, sleep disorders, persistent exhaustion, and concentration problems.
Common Symptoms of Ständig Wechselnde Schmerzen Am Ganzen Körper
Chronic pain: You suffer from obstinate pain that affects different parts of the body such as muscles or tendons or occurs in other soft tissue structures. It can have a stabbing, burning or pulling character and vary in intensity.
Sleep disorders and exhaustion (fatigue): If you have struggled falling or staying asleep, you are not alone. Poor sleep can even make other symptoms worse. Constant tiredness and lack of energy are among the most distressing symptoms.
Cognitive problems (‘fibro fog’): You may also experience issues concentrating or forgetfulness, making it difficult to think clearly. This condition is often called ‘fibro fog’ and affects daily life.
Ständig Wechselnde Schmerzen Am Ganzen Körper Diagnosis
Fibromyalgia does not change structures, organs, or laboratory values. Therefore, there are no specific findings that can be used for diagnosis.
According to the currently applicable diagnostic criteria, the pain and accompanying symptoms of fibromyalgia are recorded using two validated questionnaires: the Widespread Pain Index (WPI) and the Symptom Severity Scale (SSS). Fibromyalgia can be diagnosed if a certain number of points are achieved in both questionnaires.
The Pain Index (WPI) determines where the pain was felt in 19 defined body regions in the past week. It must have occurred in four out of five regions.
The Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) consists of two parts. The first measures the frequency of exhaustion, sleep disturbances, and concentration problems in the past week (never, rarely, often, almost always). The second part contains a list of 41 complaints and records, which of them were present in the past week.
- fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria of 2016
- WPI ≥ 7 and SSS ≥ 5 or WPI 4-6 and SSS ≥ 9
- Generalized pain in 4 of 5 regions
- Symptoms have been present for ≥ 3 months
In contrast to previous guidelines, Ständig Wechselnde Schmerzen Am Ganzen Körperis no longer a diagnosis of exclusion. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia can be made self-sufficiently of and in addition to other diagnoses.
To this day, the underlying causes of the disease are not clear. At present, it is assumed that it is a bio-psycho-social disease based on a disorder of pain perception. Risk factors for the development of fibromyalgia are psychological and physical stressors at work and a tendency towards depression. Genetic predisposition is also discussed, as there is familial clustering. Disorders in serotonin metabolism can also play a role. The pain in muscles and tendons is triggered by tension, which in turn leads to further tension. This creates a viciou’s circle that is difficult to break.
How can you reduce the pain?
Fibromyalgia is an individual and unpredictable disease. There is no single treatment method that can cure it, but there are ways to treat the symptoms and improve quality of life. To avoid a vicious circle of pain and painkillers, it is important to eliminate risk factors. Exercise and sport, as much as possible, as well as a healthy diet, can help to reduce pain and stiffness.