Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is when your blood sugar is above 250 mg/dL (13.8 mmol/L). The cause is insulin resistance in the cells, or a lack of insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels.
Typical early symptoms of “high blood sugar” are increased thirst with simultaneous urination, low blood pressure, tiredness, nausea, and abdominal pain. In addition to the preventive measure of regular blood sugar measurement in hyperglycemia, diabetics should drink a lot and, if necessary, take insulin injections. If there is no improvement or if the values continue to rise, untreated acute complications up to and including life-threatening diabetic coma may occur.
What Is Hyperglycemia?
Hyperglycaemia is well-defined as a blood glucose level better than 250 mg/dl (13.8 mmol/l). Values above 400 mg/dl become dangerous, values above 600 to 1,000 mg/dl can lead to clouding of consciousness up to life-threatening diabetic coma. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by chronically elevated blood sugar levels.
Causes Of Hyperglycemias
Hyperglycemia can have several causes:
Excessive and inadequate diet (for example, carbohydrates that cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, such as white flour products, sugary drinks, sweets)
Incorrect use of diabetes medications.
Insulin dose too low
I forgot the insulin dose
febrile infections
very little movement
Symptoms of hyperglycemia
The First Symptoms
Increased thirst accompanied by an increased need to urinate as the body tries to excrete high levels of sugar in the blood through the urine.
stomach ache
Low blood pressure
tiredness, exhaustion
treatment of hyperglycemia
Clinically, acute hyperglycemia is treated with immediate administration of insulin. Those affected should also drink plenty of water to compensate for fluid loss. The blood sugar level should be measure at regular intervals and the excretion of acetone in the urine shall monitor with test strips. If the values rise, the condition worsens, or the symptoms increase, the emergency doctor shall contact in time.
Serious complications, such as forms of diabetic coma, require intensive care treatment. The faster it acts, the less consequential organ damage (stomach, intestines) or kidney failure to expect!
Loss of consciousness in diabetics can be cause by both hypoglycemia and high blood sugar levels. However, low blood sugar is more dangerous, so when in doubt, always give sugar and never insulin!
Hyperglycemia: What Else Can The Sufferer Do?
Check your blood sugar regularly!
Take care of your diet and follow the doctor’s recommendations
Use special diabetes training courses to recognize warning signs early and react to them correctly.
Discuss with family and friends what to do in an emergency situation
Avoid spraying, preparation and dosage errors
Regularly check your injection equipment
Carry ketone test strips and regular insulin with you
move regularly
Avoid stress and excitement.